Wednesday, June 17, 2015

By The Bye - Baby, Buy, Buy, Buy

Awesome ear worm time!

I'm doin' this tonight,
You're probably gonna start a fight.
I know this can't be right.
Hey baby come on, 
I loved you endlessly,
When you weren't there for me.
So now it's time to leave and make it alone
I know that I can't take no more 
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye...

It occurred to me that yesterday's "to buy or not to buy" Hobby Lobby mini-rant might have caused some readers to question my political positions.  Here's the thing - I have chosen not to politicize all of my buying power.  My political positions are all over the place, and if I relied on them to determine where I should shop, I would have to lock myself in the house and order everything online. If I felt really strongly about the policies of a particular business, I might consider not shopping there.  Or I might  seek another way of expressing my disapproval. Or, more likely I would openly announce and support my position on a particular issue.  Or I might say nothing either way about a particular issue out of concern that I might inadvertently hurt someone's feelings.  I have friends and family at both ends of the political spectrum.  My own political belief system has evolved over time.  No matter what position I support, I am going to shock, surprise, hurt or possibly insult someone close to me, and I really do not want to do that.

Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, has officially entered the race for President.  No surprise there. Also no surprise that this morning's news feed on Facebook ran an article that Jeb's son was arrested for drunk driving, and the "left" left comments as expected. There's a small problem - the article, like the arrest, is 10 years old.  Come on, Democrats, you can do better than that!  Marco Rubio got four traffic tickets in 17 years?  I think that was from the New York Times ("All The News That Fits, We Print"), but then there are also the fake articles that seem so real, you might feel compelled to check them on  Best one this week was the headline regarding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's statement that "Women's Viagra Pill Will Only Increase Lesbianism."  Unfortunately, Christie is enough of a goofball that this was almost believable.

Of course, the Republicans are just as bad, maybe worse.  They've got one target, and they are hitting her with both barrels. (Oh, Bernie Sanders? I can't take seriously someone who calls himself a socialist.)  Listen, both Hillary and Jeb have records - real records, real history - that are legitimately subject to public scrutiny.   It would behoove the media to stick to the real stuff.  On both sides, there is enough material there that they do not have to sink to the level of the supermarket scandal sheets.

Oh, ha ha HA - while I'm typing this on the iPad, I get a news pop-up announcing that Donald Trump has jumped into the 2016 presidential race.  Now things are getting interesting.  My niece Rachel said it best on Facebook: "soooo, Trump is running for presidency.  Interesting. 'plays circus music.'"

The electrician is back today, so Anakin and the pups are locked up in my room again, and they are VERY unhappy.  A lot of complaining.  How can such a small dog have such a loud bark?  I am unhappy as well; I really dislike having strangers in the house, disrupting my routine and restricting access to the kitchen. My kitchen, my domain. Cue growling noises. Yes, I am irritated, but it cannot be helped.  He is very careful and cleans up after himself, but he is not done, although I am becoming undone.

I also had a Very Bad Night, with some interesting symptoms which don't seem to have anything to do with CPS or fibromyalgia.  I could not relax or get comfortable; it was 4 AM before I was finally able to get the pain sufficiently under control to allow me to fall asleep.  I was still able to wake up at a reasonable hour, and I spent a good amount of time working in and around the garden.  I wore a wide-brimmed straw hat and got my hands good and dirty.

I think I made some excellent progress, just stopping short of finishing the herb garden and planting the squash plants. The vegetable bed has been hand-raked so that the top soil is level and all the roots are covered.  I could not help but notice seedlings popping up in unexpected places.  The storms of last week redistributed the seeds, and all I can do is wait and see which ones survive. My back put up with a lot and finally shot me with a blast of pain.  I am on the couch, and if we did not have important errands to run, I would close my eyes and nap until the NBA Finals tip-off.

One of the weirdest things to come out of the storms was the repositioning of a number of broccoli seedlings:

Yes, that is the base of the chimney.  I am growing broccoli on my 90 year old brick chimney, and herbs on my porch railings.

Still not doing any cooking, although I've got a few ideas.  There is a ridiculous amount of cooked food in the fridge, so I'm going to go with the flow and take a break.  Besides, no matter how good a cook I am, nothing beats leftover Chinese.  Nothing.  Admit it, you agree.  

I'm going to end this with some family pictures that were posted by my Junior Cuz Stephanie, following the family gathering at my in-law's home.  

The first picture is with Katelyn while the second one is with Kate's big brother Jacob.  We did not realize, when Stephanie asked to take the picture with Kate, that I was sitting in exactly the same spot. These kids are beyond precious and adorable, and I am honored that Steph asked to take the pictures.

Family matters.

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