Monday, November 12, 2018

The Bee’s Knees 🐝

In the past few days, I was working feverishly on a blog post in which I explained in excruciating detail, my personal medical epiphany to include a full page list of symptoms, links to medical articles, and photos of knees, for God’s sake.

And then I stopped. What was happening reminded me of the intense looking-inwardness episode I experienced some years back, when I finally, and quite accidentally, located my paternal relatives. It was if I had cracked some other-worldly code, and it was all about me - my feelings, my anger at the secrets, my joy over learning the truth at last.  Okay, a big deal for me, but not something I needed to bore you with. For one thing, finding family is not that unusual today, and we all have our stories. Also, a lot of stuff is just too personal to share, and should remain en famille.

This time, I thought long and hard before going off into That Place where it is All About Me and I enthusiastically but wrongly assume you out there on the net are waiting breathlessly for my next word. What I discovered about my medical condition was earth-shattering - for me - even though it doesn’t change my course of treatment one whit. I realize that for everyone else it is just a lot of hooey. Most people, especially around my age, are facing multiple health issues and other family crises, and have neither the time nor interest to go delving into mine. Too many of those I care about are dealing with illness far worse than I have ever known. So I am going to shut up about myself for now and move onto more important things.

But I am going to indulge myself one little bit and share this old photo. Just because it is unbearably adorable, circa 1930-style:

Down here in sunny Florida we are still counting ballots. Shades of the 2000 election (I recently saw a meme that stated “all the ballots in Florida have finally been counted . . . Al Gore was declared President.”). There are mandatory recounts in place now, and soon-to-be ex-Governor Voldemort is melting down daily. This is theatre, folks - whatever happens, the other side is going to cry foul, so sit back and enjoy it.  The next big election is in 2020, and don’t forget to vote.

Let me just leave you with this thought - if GWB, with the assistance of the Supreme Court and his brother, then-Florida Governor JEB! had somehow not managed to steal the election, what would have been the difference? Most likely, we would not be in the 17th year of a war, started in bad faith and at least in part responsible for the destabilization of the entire Middle East. Maybe California would not be burning so fiercely, nor shoreline waters rising so precipitously.

Who knows? I’m not a prophet, just a blogger with an attitude problem.

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