Saturday, October 6, 2018

Political Dissonance

So the farce that was the investigation into allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brent Kavanaugh is over and now We The People will wait for the final and meaningless full Senate vote. If I sound bitter, it’s because I am. All that I, a patriotic American, held dear to my heart has been rototilled into the ground by a series of bad Presidential administrations and worse Congresses. This is still the greatest country in the world, but that grand distinction has been slowly unwinding since Clinton’s second term, even possibly since the assassination of JFK in 1963. Let’s face it, Ronald Reagan was no saint, and while Jimmy Carter appears to be a truly good man, he was a dreadful President.  If Gerald Ford hadn’t pardoned Richard Nixon ... who knows, right?

If I wasn’t already on prescription medication for depression and anxiety, I would be a mess. There is a great sense of wrongness that permeates our society. I am relieved to a certain extent that my retirement due to disability has given me a reasonable excuse to withdraw from the broad social milieu. I belong to no political party, because they all make me gag at their hypocrisy. I don’t miss going to court, because after 24 years of unwarranted blame and egregious verbal abuse, I finally admitted to myself that the majority of judges in all jurisdictions and at all levels of government are entitled, egotistical little demigods.

We The People are getting what we deserve. There exists a huge swath of bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, misogynistic bullies, who are now totally unrestrained by conscience or social convention from expressing and acting upon their worst instincts. The soulless and dishonorable head of state has set a pernicious example and too many Americans have fallen into a joyful lockstep with his nasty ways.

So now it’s over, proof positive that there is no honor among thieves. But what the hell ... we’ve had an accused sexual offender on the Supreme Court since 1991. What’s one more?

And the Angels wept

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