Monday, October 8, 2018

It’s A Girl!

After this week’s bone-chilling, depression-inducing, government-sanctioned attack on women, at least the BBC got it right. #She’sMyDoctor

This isn’t over. We will have a female U.S. President in my lifetime. We will put a stop to the crushing misogyny that seems to exist deep in the souls of too many people We will be believed and respected. We will become and remain totally individually autonomous in our own minds and bodies.

Today the newly-regenerated Doctor rates a Global Simulcast. That’s a hell of a lot of viewers for the first female in what has been an all-male franchise for over 50 years.  Great start!

Beat those numbers, Donald Trump!

Slow Cooking Madness: Barbecue Sunday Sauce

I decided it was time to clear out my kitchen freezer, which was stuffed to the gills, assuming any kitchen appliance actually has gills. I pulled out deeply frozen Italian sausage, turkey drumsticks, beef chuck ribs, about half a bag of meatballs (I didn’t make them, but they’re not too bad) and a bag of mixed color frozen peppers. From the pantries (I have 3 floor-to-ceiling, plus additional cabinets) I salvaged 2 jars of spaghetti sauce, 1 large bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s barbecue sauce, garlic cloves, and canned mushrooms.

Before I get to the next step I want to assure you all that I still love to cook, passionately, and although my fibromyalgia has stolen much of the cooking joy from my life, I still manage to have fun while keeping my family well-fed. Sometimes that involves my dumping all the ingredients into my largest crockpot. Nothing that a haute cuisine chef would approve of, but hey, it usually works.

For this, I added the ingredients in the following order into my 8 quart crockpot: frozen peppers, drained bottle of garlic cloves, drained can of sliced mushrooms, Angus beef meatballs (from B.J.’s), whole sausages, turkey legs, and the beef chuck ribs, all the proteins still frozen. Except, there is an extra step you don’t have to take, but this is how I do it: sprinkle the frozen meats (no meatballs!) with granulated garlic and slip them under the broiler just until they pick up a little color and are easy to separate with a pair of tongs. Pour some of the spaghetti sauce and some of the barbecue sauce over each layer in the crock.  Make sure to collect all of the sauce clinging to the sides of the bottles by swishing with a small amount of water. I like to do the same with any meat juices in the bottom of the cooking pan.

Building the layers

So now you’ve got everything in the crock, all the sauces have been poured over the top, and you put on the cover. Cook on the low setting until the beef is tender and the drumsticks are cooked all the way through. Except I did something different because of the late hour. I cooked it on low for 3 hours, 7 to 10 pm, then let it cool a bit and moved the crock to the refrigerator for overnight. Next day I got rid of the excess fat, rotated the position of the meats, and went back to cooking on low for about another 3 hours.   I then moved the meatballs, sausage, and turkey legs to some baking pans while the beef chuck got more time to tenderize.

You can serve it over a huge platter of spaghetti, or go rogue and pass on the pasta. I plan on adding frozen corn fritters to the air fryer. One small step for dinner, one giant step for,clearing out my freezer.

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